
Match is a tool by Fastlane which implements a best practice guide for handling certifcates and provisioning profiles in a team.


Core Concepts

Match essentially stores encrypted certifcates inside of a Git repo that we control, when you want to setup your Mac to use our development and production certs, Match downloads them from the Git repo, decrypts them with the encryption key you provide and then installs them in your keychain. It will also handle generation of production and development provisoning profiles for your current project.

Getting Started

Getting your machine setup to be able to start developing or deploying apps is incredibly easy, just follow the steps below.

Repeat the below steps for the following commands based on your needs.

Existing Apps

If you cast your eyes back to the previous section, you’ll see that Fastlane will ask you to enter your bundle identifiers at some point, this can be inferred from your current project by setting up match to work with the project.

Before anything, please ensure you have created an App ID on the member center with a bundle identifier that matches the bundle identifier of your app.

If your project already has a Matchfile then Match has already been setup for your project so you only need to run one of the four commands in the previous section to download the correct provisioning profiles.

If your project doesn’t have a Matchfile then you need to init Match for your project, run the command fastlane match init, you can then proceed with the commands in the above section.

Handling Expired Certs

Every year or so the distribution & development certificates will expire as they’re valid for a year from the date of creation - as a result of this all provisioning profiles created with those certs will be invalidated.

This means that Match will no longer hold correct certs and profiles, you also won’t be able to build the app for testing or push any builds to the appstore. Thankfully this isn’t too big of an issue and can be easily resolved with a bit of manual work.

  1. Delete all invalid or expired provisoning profiles from the Apple member center, the expired certificate will automatically be deleted by Apple.
  2. Clone down the apple-certs repository from the company Github and delete the relevant provisioning profiles for the expired cert in the profiles folder (if only development expired only delete all development provisioning profiles etc).
  3. Delete the invalid certificate(s) & key(s) from the certs folder.
  4. Push the changes up to Github.
  5. Re-run Match inside of your project directory to recreate the relevant certificate and provisioning profile (fastlane match appstore for distribution & fastlane match development for development)

That’s it - you’ll have to re-run match for any project that previously had it’s provisioning profile managed by Match.
